// ============================================================================== // Serverconfig for R1CH.NET ANTICHEAT MODULE // ============================================================================== // Exec this config manually on server startup or copy all the content to // your server.cfg. // Do NOT change the name of anticheat-hashes.txt or anticheat-cvars.txt, since // these files are automatically executed by the server. set sv_anticheat_badfile_max "0" // Maximum number of bad files before a client will be kicked, regardless of sv_anticheat_badfile_action value. 0 = disabled. Default 0. set sv_anticheat_badfile_message "ONLY use allowed (original) models!" // Message to show to clients that fail file tests, useful to include a URL to your server files / rules or something. Default empty. set sv_anticheat_badfile_action "2" // Action to take on a bad file loaded by a client. Default 0. // 0: Kick client. // 1: Notify client only. // 2: Notify all players. set sv_anticheat_message "Visit http://antiche.at/ - Do ONLY use clients with anticheat support -> AprQ2, EGL, Q2PRO or R1Q2." // Message to show to players who connect with no anticheat loaded. set sv_anticheat_error_action "0" // Action to take if the anticheat server is unavailable. Default 0. // 0: Allow new clients to connect with no cheat protection. // 1: Don't allow new clients until the connection is re-established. set sv_anticheat_required "1" // Require use of the r1ch.net anticheat module by players. Default 0. // 0: Don't require any anticheat module. // 1: Optionally use the anticheat module. Other clients can still play. // 2: Enforce the anticheat module. Only valid R1Q2, EGL, Q2PRO or AprQ2 users can play. set sv_anticheat_nag_time "10" set sv_anticheat_nag_defer "3" set sv_anticheat_nag_message "\n========================================\n= Please use the LATEST versions of =\n= AprQ2, EGL, Q2PRO or R1Q2 =\n= + anticheat.dll! =\n= DOWNLOAD from: http://antiche.at =\n= =\n= Do NOT use ANY other clients! =\n= Thanks! =\n========================================\n" // Display message to non-anticheat clients for time in seconds after connecting. Max. 40 chars per line (\n supported). // Delay the message before shown with the "defer" line. // This is only used if sv_anticheat_required is set to 1. set sv_anticheat_show_violation_reason "1" // Show the class of hack in the 'kicked for anticheat violation' message, eg 'Player was kicked for anticheat violation (wallhack)' if this is set to 1. // Set to 0 to keep reason to server log only. set sv_anticheat_client_disconnect_action "0" // Action to take if a client loses connection to the anticheat server mid-game. // 0 = mark client as invalid // 1 = kick client from server set sv_anticheat_disable_play "0" // If set, anticheat enabled clients will not be allowed to use the "play" command to play arbitrary sounds such as timer wavs. set sv_anticheat_client_restrictions "0" // Restrict which anticheat enabled clients are allowed on a forced anticheat server. Has no effect on an optional anticheat server. // Add em up: // 1 = R1Q2 // 2 = EGL // 4 = AprGL // 8 = AprSW // 16 = Q2PRO? set sv_anticheat_force_protocol35 "0" // If set on a forced anticheat server, clients must be using protocol 35 to connect. // ============================================================================== // Anticheat BYPASS list // ============================================================================== // Enter IP/mask for players who do NOT need to use anticheat (e.g. linux users). // Examples: // addacexception // except a player with static IP from using anticheat. // addacexception // except a player with dynamic IP (123.12.23.*) from using anticheat. // addacexception // except a player with dynamic IP (123.12.*) from using anticheat. // // Or create the file "anticheat-tokens.txt" in your mod folder and enter bypass-passwords there. // One each line. A player that wants to bypass anticheat, has to enter the following line into his cfg: // set actoken "one_of_the_passwords" // // wallfly keeps getting kicked for abnormal movement (ironic) addacexception wallfly